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Scary Monsters & Super Creeps
Module 1: Scary Monsters & Super Creeps - What, Why, Where to Begin
1.0: Welcome (5:55)
1.1: Things to Know (About Monsters) Before You Write (12:04)
1.2: Where to Begin (Reading) (7:41)
1.3: Where to Begin cont. (Reading) (9:28)
1.4: What if? (Freewriting exercise) (9:07)
Module 2: Scary Monsters & Super Creeps - Types & Tropes
2.1: Categories of Monsters (12:19)
2.2: How Monsters Appear (in Your Story) (9:15)
2.3: Meeting the Monster - Transformation (Reading) (9:54)
2.4: What Kind of Monster is Your Monster? (Freewriting exercise) (3:06)
2.5: A Monster Is Born...or Sired...or Created... (Freewriting exercise) (4:02)
Module 3: Scary Monsters & Super Creeps - The Shape of Monster Stories
3.1: Basic Plot Structure of a Monster Narrative (11:33)
3.2: The A-B-C-D Chain (Reading) (5:36)
3.3: Point of View in Monster Narratives (9:23)
3.4: Identifying with the Protagonist (Reading) (6:10)
3.5: Protagonist as Witness (Reading) (8:45)
3.6: Action! (Freewriting) (6:43)
3.7: Wrap Up (2:56)
2.1: Categories of Monsters
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